Better Together Coaches Corner Better Together I've always been a team sports fan, individual sports never really got me as excited.…Jason RifeMarch 9, 2022
The Critic…… Coaches Corner The Critic…… If I was ever given a gift it was the gift of now caring what…Jason RifeMarch 2, 2022
Dumb but Lucky Coaches Corner Dumb but Lucky I've been both dumb and lucky at different points in my life. Mostly dumb. But…Jason RifeFebruary 16, 2022
Burn The Ships Coaches Corner Burn The Ships If you are a history buff, you may know the story of Cortés and the burning…Jason RifeFebruary 9, 2022
The Critic…… Coaches Corner The Critic…… If I was ever given a gift it was the gift of now caring what…Jason RifeFebruary 2, 2022
The Johari Window Coaches Corner The Johari Window Most of you know quite a bit about me. I've been writing these for several…Jason RifeJanuary 19, 2022
What Matters Most Coaches Corner What Matters Most Its the day prior to Christmas eve and the New Year is approaching rapidly. All…Jason RifeDecember 1, 2021
You Get What You Give Coaches Corner You Get What You Give This past Sunday was the 6 year anniversary of the passing of SO1 (SEAL) Blake…Jason RifeNovember 3, 2021
Who’s the Hero? Coaches Corner Who’s the Hero? I've been on a pretty good streak of books lately. I recently finished a memoir…Jason RifeOctober 28, 2021
Check your blindspots Coaches Corner Check your blindspots When I was growing up in Louisian you could get your driver's license when you…Jason RifeOctober 20, 2021