CrossFit Rife – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
1 Burpee Bar Muscle Up
2 Hang Power Snatch (135/95lbs)
4 Hang Power Clean
Each round add the same amount of reps for each movement.
AMRAP 18min
1 Burpee Bar Muscle Up
2 Hang Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
4 Hang Power Clean
Each round add the same amount of reps for each movement.
AMRAP 18min
1 Burpee Jumping Bar Muscle Up
2 Hang Power Snatch
4 Hang Power Clean
Each round add the same amount of reps for each movement.
AMRAP 18min
As many rounds and reps as possible in 18min.
* Round 1 = 7 reps, round 2 = 14 reps, round 3 = 21 reps, etc.